myNEO Therapeutics
An amazing international client and my first in the medical business. These heroes create cancer vaccines with groundbreaking technologies.
new website
Redesigning the entire website structure and look
The website needed a timeless and international look to keep up with the competition. The structure needed some optimisations and the whole UI needed to be consistent throughout the entire website.
Design Studio Wim Mees also helped them to create clear and visual timelines of their processes and helped to make their work more visual and understandeable for non-experts.
Reach out and say hi!
I decided to delete my social media accounts a long time ago. What you might want to know about me: I truly enjoy walks with my dog, spending time with my friends & family, travelling the world and watching a good show or movie. Would you like to connect, instead of scrolling through the details of my everyday life? Let’s grab a coffee and we’ll have a deep, meaningful conversation about the things that excite, scare and inspire us…
I occasionally use Linkedin as a freelancer to get in contact with companies. Don't expect me to be an 'influencer' but feel free to reach out or connect to talk about interesting opportunities.
say hello
Wim Mees commv
BTW - BE 0793970833
IBAN - BE96 7340 6598 8705